At the same time as establishing Big Banana Films, Rick Matthews formed Sidewinder Films to provide a much needed and reliable production service facility in Namibia. Although there are currently a number of companies operating in Namibia today and our presence is low key , Sidewinder still offers intimate and professional services to both South African and International clients.

As we work closely with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, the Namibia Nature Foundation, private landowners, bodies concerned with indigenous community development and a variety of tourism related service providers, Sidewinder has developed a strong foundation from which to make filmmaking for foreign companies a lot smoother.

We place a strong interest in the environmental policies of Namibia and as most of the Namibian landscape is environmentally sensitive, we endeavour to give something back. We have raised substantial funds for environmental projects in Namibia and because of this attitude we have access to almost every inch of Namibia.

Sidewinder Services